About Us
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I’m James. This is the quirky bit where I’m supposed to tell you I was born with a camera in my hand, enjoy walks on the beach and love good coffee. Two of which are actually true.

I’m a family and wedding photographer and live in the village of Skelmanthorpe, West Yorkshire. Husband to Debbie, and Dad to three kids of various vintages – oh and let’s not forget our Border Terrier Ruby (who also enjoys walks on the beach).

I’ve worked in magazine publishing for over 20 years, and photography is a big part of my life. Aside from the commercial side I’m passionate about family photography. We live in a time when photography is so accessible, but so many photos aren’t saved for future generations to enjoy. It’s a cliché, but our families grow up so fast and precious times will pass. The very fact you are reading this means that you’ve probably realised that we all need to set down some family history for those that follow us.

Walk in the Woods also involves the whole family, because more often than not it’s Mum or Dad behind their phone, and absent from many of their family photos.

So I encourage you to grab a coffee (of course), have a good look at my portfolio, read how my sessions work and contact me if you have any questions.

I can’t wait to meet you