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1 Don’t Panic

A photoshoot with my family… are you crazy? Have you met them? There will be tantrums and tears… and then there’s the children.

I get it. I’ve got three children so I understand that the thought of a family photoshoot would normally have most people running to the hills. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I want your shoot to be an enjoyable experience for the whole family… yes that’s right, enjoyable and fun.




My shoots are laid back but with enough structure to keep children (and adults) engaged and entertained.

I aim to keep most shoots under an hour, anything longer is a stretch for most children – especially for the younger ones. Happy kids equal happy parents, so we go through a selection of quick poses that the kids will see as ‘games’ – giving you a wide variety of shots and keeping them happy and engaged. Built into this will be time for the kids to run around let off a bit of steam and well…be kids.


The Location

I use a variety of locations around West Yorkshire for stunning backdrops to your shoot. If there’s somewhere special you’d like to shoot though we can arrange this at the time of booking.

What should we wear?

Keep it simple, and dress how you want to dress. Try to avoid clothing with logos or other graphics, as these will tend to date your photos. Dress appropriately for the weather, including footwear, as I want you to be as comfortable as possible at the shoot. Be yourselves.



do you use props?

The only prop I always bring to a shoot is a picnic blanket for you to sit or lie down on. I’d ask you to travel as light as possible, because we are going to be moving around a fair bit. Of course if young Timmy is inseparable from his teddy bring it – it’s part of his story too.

How many shots can I choose from?

I aim to deliver around 75 fully retouched shots per shoot. I prefer you to have a selection of images, because there’s often something only a parent can see in a photo, a smile, a gesture or mannerism that truly makes that image personal and special.

Can I order prints from you?

Absolutely, my online ordering system is really simple and easy to use. It’s linked directly to a leading UK professional photo lab